Wednesday, January 16, 2013

They called me cute.

Hi babies, I just wanted to stop by before going to bed. Just made a quick comic on something I read on Tumblr, that reminded me of one time when a crush I used to have not long ago, told me he tought I was cute, and well, the text says pretty much everything there's to say/explain about this situation:

if you ever call me cute i will think about it all day and when i go to sleep i’ll just be a little burrito of blankets and i will whisper quietly

“they called me cute”

It doesn't have any dialogues because I couldn't decided if I should write them in spanish or english. Please ask me for some sketches, or "real" comics, I need to draw much more often... 
And yeah, that's it for now so, bye-bye.

baby sketch before actually drawing on the comic

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